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Choose your words wisely
Posted by: Rob Ashton
20 / 02 / 24
Have you ever noticed how something strange happens whenever we sit down to write a document? In person, we might be able to explain even the most complex of topics in relatable, everyday language. But as soon as we fire up Word, phrases mysteriously appear on our screens that we’d never use face to face. […]
Posted by: Catie Holdridge
11 / 10 / 17
The English language is littered with grey areas and apparent paradoxes that cause confusion. One of our former delegates, Richard, got in touch to ask our advice on just such a troublesome topic. Hello Emphasis What do you think of this sentence? ‘We need to balance the need for security with the ability of the […]
07 / 07 / 17
Do you need to write practice or practise? The short answer is, it depends. Many find it tricky to know when to use one or the other. So, in order for you to be able to practise using the right one every time, let’s look at the facts. Are you American? If you’re American, […]
19 / 06 / 17
With the summer holidays fast approaching (hooray), there’s a question you might soon find yourself pondering. Perhaps it’ll be when you’re penning a postcard from more tropical climes. ‘Having a lovely time,’ you write. ‘Though I haven’t been able to sit down for two days, as I’ve managed to get terribly sunbur—’ Oh. Hang on. […]
Posted by: Jacob Funnell
04 / 08 / 16
Look through your inbox or an online forum, and it won’t be long until you hit someone making a request and concluding with ‘thanks in advance’. But they’re probably making a big mistake. What’s more, they may have no idea about the hornets’ nest of irritation they’re poking just by using a few short words. […]
Posted by: Stan Carey
15 / 07 / 16
We’re often advised to avoid long words in our writing when shorter words will do. Like many simple style tips, it’s useful but not something you should obey blindly. Writing guides generally agree that short words are preferable. Many take their cue from traditional authorities such as the Fowler brothers, who on page one of […]
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