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Posted by: Cathy Dann
20 / 05 / 13
Homonyms are words that are pronounced or spelt in the same way but have different meanings – there and their, for example. This ten-question quiz will test you on some of the most commonly confused homonyms. How well do you know your allusions from your illusions and your pails from your pales? After you’ve answered […]
05 / 09 / 12
Over the past year, we’ve been running a series called 60-second fix in our monthly e-bulletin. Now it’s time to find out whether you’ve been paying attention. Challenge your colleagues to a quick round … How did you get on? Full marks, we hope! Feel free to show off in the comments field below. […]
01 / 05 / 12
How much attention do you pay to trademarks? Mistakenly use one to refer to a generic product, and you can land yourself with a letter from the company concerned’s trademark lawyers, and the need to write embarrassing apologies. While it’s OK to tweak trademarks slightly to bring them into line with standard English (for example […]
Posted by: Catie Holdridge
20 / 01 / 12
Oh, jingle bells! Under the influence of one too many eggnog-laced espressos, we’ve only gone and rewritten verses from three popular Christmas songs in almost impenetrable management speak. Passive constructions? Tautology? Unnecessarily long words? Latin? Oh yes. Can you translate these tunes back to their original festive format? Email us your answers once you’ve deciphered […]
29 / 11 / 11
Below are the correct and incorrect versions of some of the most commonly misspelt words. Can you unmask the criminal mistakes? They’ll get away with it if not for you meddling kids. Go on, let your inner geek out to play. Share this link and challenge your colleagues to a spell-off. You know you want […]
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