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Posted by: Catie Holdridge
15 / 10 / 11
It’s a rule beloved by schoolteachers: you can’t start a sentence with and or but. It’s also one of the few rules of grammar many people remember actually being mentioned at school. But could we in fact have ditched it, along with that uniform shirt on which everyone scrawled their goodbyes on the last day […]
14 / 09 / 11
SEO (search engine optimisation) is often high on the business agenda. Being found online by prospects is vital for most organisations – so at some point most will go looking for a company or tool to help them appear near the top of the search-engine rankings. But when they do, as our blog reader Mark […]
Grammar is about the rules that structure language. Knowing and using grammar effectively is a sure-fire way to make sure you are understood, which is always useful. But there are various erroneous ‘rules’ of grammar masquerading as law out there. Beware these blighters: they could have you needlessly rewording perfectly good sentences. In the first […]
Should you write ‘the person that’ or ‘the person who’? Reader Simon Walters, of FD Solutions, wrote in about one of his language bugbears. Namely: ‘misuse of the word “that” when “who” would be more appropriate. It’s so annoying when people say “The person that delivers my milk arrived late”; they should say “The person […]
14 / 08 / 11
Split an infinitive and you can be sure someone nearby will start clutching their ears dramatically and berating you. But is it really wrong to occasionally split one? (Oops, we just did.) While playing by the rules of grammar is wise, it doesn’t mean you should blindly follow unnecessary and baseless mandates. Here, we separate […]
18 / 07 / 11
The question of whether to use ‘I’ or ‘me’ in sentences such as ‘Doris and I went to the opera’ is one we’ve covered on the site before. But it turns out the I-or-me question doesn’t end there, as another recent posting on our writing advice forum proves. When making comparisons, is it correct grammar […]
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