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Presentations and speeches
Posted by: Catie Holdridge
09 / 04 / 10
PowerPoint has revolutionised presentations. But too many people now use it as a substitute for thinking. They launch the application before they’ve even considered what they want to say or what information will help the audience take in what they’re saying. Too often, the result is as exciting as a presentation on watching a plank […]
Posted by: em-admin
10 / 03 / 10
If you need to win an audience over, lend top speech-writer Jack Elliott your ears, as he reveals his secrets of writing a good speech. In this exclusive interview, he focuses on the key elements of public speaking, from the best persuasive techniques to delivering a perfect performance on the podium. And all in under […]
14 / 04 / 09
He’s a shrewd one, that Sir Alan Sugar. As he announced in the opening episode of The Apprentice, he realises that knowing every word to ‘Candle in the wind’ does not mean he is Elton John. Using our Suralan to Plain English dictionary, we see that his sensible – if somewhat obvious – point […]
12 / 01 / 08
The pressure on Barack Obama as he makes his inaugural speech later today will be almost unimaginable. As ‘Dubya’ dons his spurs and rides into the Texan sunset, the world will turn to the former law professor to provide hope on every issue from climate change to peace in the Middle East. Then, of course, […]
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