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Posted by: Barbara Wilson
03 / 06 / 09
Most people have felt the curse of the dreaded writer’s block: that plummeting feeling of panic that takes hold as you stare hopelessly at a blank page, or at that accursed flashing cursor. If you’re afflicted with this condition, you’re in good company. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Ralph Ellison and F. Scott Fitzgerald are all said […]
Posted by: Catie Holdridge
16 / 04 / 09
Writer, broadcaster, politician and chef: Clement Freud never ran short of ways to fill his time. This was true until the very end. He died at his desk yesterday. The grandson of Sigmund ‘sometimes a cigar is just a cigar’ Freud, he first appeared in the public eye on adverts for Minced Morsels dog food, […]
Posted by: Rob Ashton
02 / 04 / 09
If you’re suffering from writer’s block at the moment, spare a thought for the civil servants behind today’s G20 summit. By 3.30 today, they have to write the statement that could determine whether the recovery kicks off or crumbles. Mind you, there are some who suggest it was written days ago. See here.
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