How to use GoToWebinar

On Wednesday 23 November, Emphasis CEO Rob Ashton will be holding an online seminar:  How to supercharge any sentence in 60 seconds. Here is some information for participants.

When you join the session, you will see a control panel on the right side of your screen that looks something like this:

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To watch and hear the presentation, you shouldn’t need to do anything – just listen through your headset and watch the screen.

If you have any questions, you can ‘raise your hand’ to ask a question by pressing the ‘raise hand’ button:

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When Rob is ready to take your question, he will un-mute your microphone.

You can also ask a question by typing it into the box, as shown below:

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We look forward to seeing you there.

If you missed the session but would like to watch a recording of it, you can do so  here.

The definitive guide to transforming the writing of individuals and teams

