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Revisiting that question
Author : Catie Holdridge
Posted : 09 / 12 / 09
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Write Now reader Simon Lewis joins the great ‘that’ debate:
Definitely one of my bugbears, that. Take this example: “The teaching medical students receive also leaves them with an incomplete picture.” I started interpreting this as “The medical students who teach…” — and then obviously realised [that] it was supposed to be interpreted “The teaching *that* medical students receive…”. I’m all for brevity, but not at the expense of clarity, and definitely not at the expense of causing the reader to re-start the sentence!
Thanks, Simon.
So it looks like there needs to be a context-specific clause added to our rule.
If the ‘that’ doesn’t add any clarity to the sentence, as in ‘the watch [that] my father gave me’, then cutting it is fine.
But if the ‘that’ distinguishes the word preceding it as, for example, a noun (as it does for the word ‘teaching’ in Simon’s example) rather than an adjective (which is how Simon interpreted the word to begin with, as a way of defining the ‘medical students’) then for goodness’ sake leave it in.
This does, at least, reinforce the importance of another thing we stand for: proofreading!
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